Editorial process

Lexington News Editorial Process

1. Story Identification

  • Reporters and editors meet regularly to discuss potential stories.
  • Community feedback, press releases, and current events are monitored to identify news worth covering.

2. Assignment

  • Stories are assigned to reporters based on their areas of expertise and current workload.
  • Deadlines are set according to the urgency and depth of the story.

3. Research and Reporting

  • Reporters gather information through interviews, public records, and other reliable sources.
  • Efforts are made to source information from multiple perspectives to ensure balanced reporting.

4. Content Creation

  • Reporters draft articles, incorporating direct quotes, photographic evidence, and data as applicable.
  • Special care is taken to ensure all facts are accurate and all sources are credible.

5. First Review

  • The initial draft is reviewed by a senior reporter or editor. This review focuses on factual accuracy, adherence to the journalistic code of ethics, and overall quality of writing.

6. Revisions

  • Based on feedback, the reporter revises the article. This may involve additional research or reworking sections of the content.

7. Editorial Review

  • The revised article undergoes a thorough review by the editorial team. This includes checking for grammar, style consistency (according to Lexington News’ style guide), and narrative flow.
  • Legal review is also conducted if the content involves sensitive topics.

8. Fact-Checking

  • A separate fact-checking team verifies all facts stated in the article, ensuring that every claim is supported by solid evidence.

9. Final Approval

  • The Editor-in-Chief or a designated senior editor gives the final approval for the story to be published.

10. Publication

  • The story is formatted for publication on the appropriate platform, be it print, online, or multimedia.
  • Scheduled for release as per the editorial calendar.

11. Post-Publication

  • The story is monitored for reader feedback and impact.
  • Corrections or updates are made as necessary, with transparency to the audience.

12. Archiving

  • The story and all associated materials are archived for future reference and legal compliance.