Rubí will have a Socioeconomic Reactivation Plan that aims to respond to the economic and social conditions derived from the covid health crisis . The document is being worked on within the framework of the Rubí Industrial Competitiveness Table (TCIR) with the support of the Public Employment Service of Catalonia (SOC).
In the first phase of preparing the plan, the impact of the pandemic on the business fabric and occupation of Rubina has been analyzed . The initial diagnosis, explains the council, will serve as a starting point to define future reactivation actions.
“Today more than ever, administration, business, knowledge and social entities must go hand in hand. Because only by working together will we be able to give the agile, efficient and effective response that citizens deserve,” says the mayor, Ana María Martínez.
Sustainability and resilience
The first mayor recalled that the council has already adopted economic , budgetary , fiscal , procedural and general management measures to face the economic emergency derived from the covid, but has stressed that long-term planning is necessary with the capacity to influence and correct the economic slowdown.
Thus, the objective of the plan is to contribute to the maintenance of the productive and economic fabric to generate employment , income and economic activity . And, facing the future, working for a development model more sustainable and resilient to the crisis, points out the consistory.
From the diagnosis presented this Tuesday, the TCIR agents will begin to work together on the objectives and lines of action of the most significant elements for the development of the territory, especially those referring to the fields of economic promotion, occupation and trade .
Some conclusions of the diagnosis
In relation to the business fabric , Rubí has lost 7.3% of its companies. There are currently 1,967 , the lowest number in a third quarter since 2013 . The trade and hospitality are the sectors most affected and account for 30.6% of the loss of business fabric of the city.
Between the months of February and August 2020 , 974 jobs were destroyed (3.8% of the total), of which up to November 2020, 49.3% had recovered . Currently, Rubí has 1.3% fewer jobs than a year ago, a figure better than the one registered by the Catalan economy as a whole, where the variation compared to November 2019 is -2.7%.
Regarding unemployment , the 15% increase in unemployment in Rubí contrasts with the 24.2% increase in the rest of Catalonia . The health emergency has had a special impact on the levels of male unemployment that grew by 36% compared to February, female unemployment did so by 22%.